Making More Wild Wood (free presentation)
Cnoc Na Gaoithe, Tulla Comhaltas Cultural Centre, Co Clare, Saturday 7th September 2024, 7.00 – 9.00 pm
The subject of this presentation, making more wild wood, is close to the heart of The Woodland League’s core aim to restore the relationship between people and their native woodlands. Dr Fairley is an environmentalist who graduated in ecology from the University of Edinburgh. His studies of the below ground ecosystem led to a PhD from Aberdeen University. Following early work for the Nature Conservancy Council on various aspects of nature reserve management, survey and monitoring, Roddy went on to become a Director / Chair of Reforesting Scotland, a Director of Paths for All and a Director of the Central Scotland Forest Trust.

21st September 2024 – Workshop with Pete Beaumont
Wattle and daub panel making and how to build a cob oven

Pete Beaumont is an expert basket maker and green wood worker as well as having years of experience as a tutor in this field. He is experienced in small scale woodland management especially in coppice with standards which he has been developing at his own old native woodland site near Clonlara in County Clare. He grows his own material for his baskets and green woodwork crafts mainly from hazel, willow and oak. Pete also works with Birdwatch Ireland as a local contact/expert on birds and is a specialist on butterflies and insects. Pete is an excellent orator and communicator leading many interesting walks and talks in his own woodland and in other woods over the years.
To register please email: the
29th September 2024 – Field trip with Eamonn Mc Donagh
Sustainable Woodland management using horses and oxen to extract timber from the woods.

This field trip will provide a demonstration of how oxen and horses are used to extract timber from the woodland. In addition there will be a demonstration on timber processing.
Eamonn McDonagh is a Farming For Nature ambassador since 2022. Eamon and his family run an organic mixed farm in county Mayo. They keep cows, sheep, pigs, ducks and hens. They grow 2 acres of organic root vegetables which are sold locally. They have planted over 8 acres of mixed broadleaf forestry on the land. The mature hedgerows and field boundaries are left to grow naturally and serve as important habitats for birds and other wildlife. They continue to plant trees on the farm every year. Eamonn has worked with draft horses and more recently with oxen to work the land. The draft animals are used to carry out many of the farm tasks – from harvesting trees from the wooded part of the farm to harrowing vegetable beds. (Farming For Nature (2022) available at – accessed 18/08/24)
To register please email: the
5th October 2024 – Workshop with Pete Beaumont and Sean Walsh
Constructing greenwood rustic chairs and building hazel and willow garden panels

Sean Walsh is an expert craftsman and greenwood worker. He is a tutor with CELT’s weekend of craft learning and community building entitled Weekend in the Hills.
Pete Beaumont is an expert basket maker and green wood worker as well as having years of experience as a tutor in this field. He is experienced in small scale woodland management especially in coppice with standards which he has been developing at his own old native woodland site near Clonlara in County Clare. He grows his own material for his baskets and green woodwork crafts mainly from hazel, willow and oak. Pete also works with Birdwatch Ireland as a local contact/expert on birds and is a specialist on butterflies and insects. Pete is an excellent orator and communicator leading many interesting walks and talks in his own woodland and in other woods over the years.
To register please email: the
20th October 2024– Field trip with Jason Mc Cormack and Jeremy Turkington
Exploring the viability of establishing small scale tree nursery for native tree propagation.

Jason Mc Cormack is a founder of FoodTree a small nursery specialising in edible perennial food crops based in Tulla, Co. Clare. Jason has hosted workshops exploring bio-mimicry , tree grafting and establishing food forests.
Jeremy Turkington is an arborist with experience across the environmental charity, horticulture and forestry sectors in Ireland, specialising in producing certified Forest Reproductive Material for ecological restoration projects and the Irish forestry industry whilst fostering a consciousness of our indigenous trees and wild woodlands at local level.
To register please email: the
Pete Beaumont and Ted Cook on behalf of Woodland League mark our 25th consecutive Heritage Week gathering (and 25th anniversary of Wildlife Arboretum Initiative).
Broadford, Co. Limerick, Saturday, 17 August, 2pm
Woodland Arboretum of 1.6 acres, a remnant of a waste Limestone Quarry worked by the Norman Fitzgerald Family in late 13th century, was gifted to Broadford Primary School in 1952, as a Play ground by the local landlord.
Instead the site developed as the Village Dump until 1998. A draft plan to divert (and recover where feasible) the waste and evolve a ‘Space for Nature to Function’, was submitted by Ted with the support of Broadford School and Community. Woodland Arboretum remains unique as a School Playground with a difference. Bígí linn.

Exploring the Soul and Science of a Native Woodland in the Blackwater Valley with Ted Cook
Castleblagh Woods, Co. Cork, Sunday, 18 August, 2pm – 5pm
This walk and talk with native woodland specialist Ted Cook and geographer Diarmuid Crowley explores the benefits and cycles of the global forest. It takes place in ‘Philip’s Wood’, part of Castleblagh Woods south of Ballyhooly in County Cork.

The Soul & Science of the Forest with Ted Cook, Heritage Specialist
Tracton Woods, Co. Cork, 25 August, 2:30pm – 4:30pm
One of a series of weekend events organised for National Heritage week by Tracton Biodiversity Group.
Tracton wood, due to its steep and rocky topography comprises pockets of old growth forest continuity, in addition to commercial plantations.
Opening – Irish Wildlife Sounds with Sean Ronayne and including evening batwalk, The Moth Man documentary on life and work of Ken Bond (in attendance), exhibition, farm outings, talks/presentations, a Ceilidh mor and childrens’ workshops…and of course refreshments.
For full programme see Tracton Biodiversity facebook page

Visit CELT display at Electric Picnic (Global Green) – 16th-18th August.
CELT, with Slieve Aughty Centre, Loughrea, are hosting All Ireland Permaculture Gathering, 24th / 25th August.
CELT : Special nature restoration presentation (venue tbc) : ‘Making more wildwood in Scotland: are there lessons for or from Ireland ?’ – Dr Roddy Fairley, Director of Glencairn Land and Woods Trust and ex-Director of the Central Scotland Forest, 6th September. This event is supported by DAFM forestry promotion funding.
CELT Weekend in the Hills, Slieve Aughty Centre, Loughrea, Traditional crafts & ecological skills festival, 28th / 29th September.
CELT Traditional & Ecological Skills will feature at Brookfield Farm ‘Field Exchange’ farm diversification Festival, Coolbawn, near Nenagh, Co.Tipperary, 31st August / 1st September.
Woodland Events organised by The Woodland League in first half of 2024