
Coillte Forestry Fables In Regard To Tree Felling At Gougane Barra Heritage Site
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The Woodland League calls for 2010 Review of Coillte Report to be made public
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Una Ruddock asks: How is the public interest conceived and represented, with reference to Coillte, in Ireland’s forestry review 2010?
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Call for an Independent Inquiry into Coillte Public Forest Asset Stripping
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Martin Ferris has called on Minister Simon Coveney to use his position as Director of Coillte to prevent the company selling over 1,000 acres of forestry land in Donegal.
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Coillte Continue Privatisation Policy with Sale of 1000 acres in Donegal

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A video showing the blatant disregard for our environment by Coillte (the Irish Forestry Board), in Chevy Chase, Co. Galway. Music by Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance.
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23 August 2009

Where is it?

What happened to the trees we were promised?

Bertie’s 4 million euro Millennium project derided as ‘farce’ as Coillte admits that only one in 10 will survive.

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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands