Benefit Night: Protect Your Roots

Join us this Saturday 29th July in MacNamara’s, Killaneena, East Clare for what will be a fantastic night of entertainment, in the realm of, “The Great Forest of Aughty”, restoration project. Kicking off at 8 pm, with the amazing film, “Call of the Forest”, by the visionary Diana Beresford Kroeger. Followed by well known Reggae selectors, Jason Rootical Soundsystem supported by Saoirse Sounds.

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Forest in a Box – Native Trees for Schools Project

The Woodland League launched a new Native Trees initiative on Tuesday 7th March, during National Tree Week. A native tree seed box, a “Forest in a Box”, was presented to Brigit’s Hearth pre-school in Tuamgraney Co. Clare. The box uses a copy of the natural forest floor of leaf litter to start the trees off, the sides creating shade to encourage the trees to reach for the light with fine mesh across the bottom and the top lid to protect the seeds from being eaten, so increasing their chances of survival by 90% or more. Each one metre by one metre seed box is capable of providing approximately 200 healthy native trees for planting out every two years.

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Trees In Nature’s Economy

“By virtue of cooling the air and spraying the sky and multiplying the clouds trees exert considerable influence upon the fall and distribution of rain; by virtue of sponging the earth around their feet they enormously influence the behaviour of floods, the discipline of rivers, the supply of springs, the health of fish… Forests are so much more than meets the eye. They are fountains. They are oceans. They are pipes. They are dams. Their work ramifies through the whole economy of nature.”

From The Triumph of the Tree by John Stewart Collis

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Submission on Coillte cypermethrin use derogation

The Woodland League are calling for a complete ban on the use of cypermethrin and glyphosate by Coillte in public forests, please support this important call. We believe that the use of these hazardous chemicals poses a serious health hazard. We also fail to see how the use of these dangerous poisons can be seen to be compatible with Sustainable Forest Management, which Coillte claim to practise and which is supported by their use of the FSC ecolabel.

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New forestry plan is a missed opportunity

New forestry plan approved by EU has not addressed significant environmental issues with Irish forests and is a missed opportunity. Minister Tom Hayes yesterday announced the approval of the new forestry programme by the EU but environmental groups claim the plan fails to resolve serious environmental issues with the Irish forestry model.

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New Perspectives on Irish History

New Perspectives on Irish History is a brand new 8 part radio series devised by John Haughton, which takes a unique look at how our ancestors viewed their natural environment and how different periods of history co-existed with the natural environment of our island. Programme 1 features interviews with Andrew St. Ledger of the Woodland League and Lord Ross of Birr Castle, as well as voxpops with secondary school children.

Radio Show

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The Woodland League

Dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands